Thursday, September 07, 2006,12:32 PM
My dear friend again

Why it's always about saying sorry between friends, how hard it is to say, how nice is it to recieve, well i don't replace your existance with any word.. don't say it ever and you'll stay my dear friend

That sorry thing won't mend any hurt you might feel, but a smile or the word of i aprriciate your friendship do erase any anger, here it's not angelic thinking it's just that life is infuriating enough why would i innovate another way to complicate it , simply i wanna keep your frindship , simply i'll keep it, forcibly as i told u :)

You made a tiny unremarkable fault - here i'm using my dearest person ever words - unintentionally hurted me, so what ,, am i an angel or so ? i must hurted you like a 214120 time since we met first time, yes it did hurt but after like a 15 minutes of feeling furious i just pictured my day without you there, infuriating me with your sarcastic comments, about everything, your comments about your life, social events and about me. with whom am i suppose to listen to these songs we have or cartoons or silly books we read, no no no no i won't let that sorry to get between us.

Would you put an end for this friendship for any mistake i might commit ? if you said so i'll hate you now - this is not an exaggeration i mean it now - if not just skip that day with all it's e-mails and stupid tries to get mad of you or even give a comment on it, simply you've never got mad at me and i'll never do

Forcibly you'll always be my mgm whether you agreed or not ,,, so drop that little tiny thing, you are too precious to loose
Posted by saso | Permalink |


  • At 3:55 PM, Blogger Unknown

    Mafeesh 7aga tet3emel aktar men keda ba2a ;p

  • At 4:16 PM, Blogger saso

    isn't it so :)

  • At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    in fact i can't tell!
    any way, what i want to tell that u saso are the best thing happened to me ,,,an the bond is to strong to be broken ,,,,i hope so

  • At 9:28 PM, Blogger saso

    my mgm
    no u r,, that best thing issue:)
    too precious to loose hah

  • At 5:48 AM, Blogger Mamdouh Dorrah

    i think that this is so personal issue and i can see that any word i can tell is totally out of place her.

    but i do believe that any tiny, minute and unremarkable mistake is forgivable in the context of real and adorable friendship.

    so both ou u sasoo and mgm, try to get over this, nothing is comparable to someone u care for..

  • At 2:05 PM, Blogger saso

    it isn't that personal actually, lately i've been in that silly situation with another friend, so it's like a declaration of ,, it doesn't worth to loose a friend for a stupid sorry

    the amusing here that there's nothing to get over, forget abt the tiny unremarcable things here :) he's just the same mgm to me,

  • At 4:39 PM, Blogger قلم جاف

    real friends are real wealth..

  • At 12:27 AM, Blogger saso

    قلم جاف
    yes, you so right

  • At 1:58 AM, Blogger محمد أبو الفتوح

    أنا كنت قرفان من كلية طب و بصبر نفسى قال إيه بشوية الإنجليزى اللى بنتعلم بيه
    و دارت الأيام و لما قريت البوست ده عرفت إنى مش طالع م الطب بأى حاجه
    هو أنا يعنى فهمت طشاش و اللى أقدر أقوله إنه فيه قاعده مهمه بين الأصدقاء
    قاعده إسمها
    (خلى شويه عليا و شويه عليك)
    و أحلى سلااااااااااام

  • At 2:14 AM, Blogger saso

    محمد ابو الفتوح
    يادي المصيبة دة انا اتعملي مؤتمر علي المسنجر علشان اكتب انجليزي يتفهم من غير كلام كبير :)ماشي يا دكتور
    هقول للاطفال علي القاعدة دي علشان نطبقها بس كدة هنضايق بعض المرة اللي فاتت كانت عليا والمرة دي عليك خليها عليا انا ارحم

  • At 3:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    إنجليزي المصطلحات الغريبة فعلا...بالذات البوست بتاع كوندليزا رايس...كان طحين قوي...كنت محتاج اموس أترجم بيه شوية حاجات...جولدن وافي معرفش يجيبها...أنا عارف بتجيبي الكلام ده منين

  • At 10:35 AM, Blogger saso

    كدة يا محمود :( ماشي
    واللة البوست دة كان جميل بس انا اللي انفعلت وطلع جد شويتين

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