Saturday, July 29, 2006,10:10 PM
Cairo 31st of July
Dear Condy,
Here I'm writing to you from middle east - not the new yet - using a language I doubt you even understand as it has one face with only one meaning despite the eternal pretension from you and Nostrademos the 21st century of having a whole vision of out animuses even our future, where you'll be the custodians for sure
Don't get stimulated I'm not going to talk about your " ......... " Polices , or your " ........ " Goals, or even your bobbin visits which always mean " ......... " For every where you go as there's no use from my rickety words.
we learnt our lesson don't worry !!
All what I wanted to say is well done you burnt melanin in your cells in a brain surgery not a skin one which forced your naive statu's discrimination on passing over that you're still black from outside, you exceeded your white companions. glad to see you exceeded even over the previous zombie 90th mode Mr " Anan " the pioneer of brain surgery for whitening skin by destroying the roots
I've a last request my dear ,, change your hairdresser, first of all he is a looser and his coiffuring is quite bad, but the most important is that when I see your curly tufts bristle like acanthus " the ironic here is that it's also called Jewish acanthus " it just reminds me of your black roots.
Please stop reminding me of Rosa Parkes, i don't wanna remember that your grand maybe was Malcolm x or Martin Luther king himself, at least i know he was one of those whose Schweitzer burnt his best years in the hope for saving their bodies & souls someday
By the end ................................ Nothing , is there a reasonable final for this letter ? You might be in my little room now sitting on my couch reading through my papers and say it's so dangerous they read and the worse they write .. change is a must ,, why they're angry I'm just dreaming of a new middle east !!!
Friday, July 28, 2006,11:23 PM
علامة ! و ؟
م : لية كل البلوجز لازم تبقي معادية وكارهة للنظام وخلاص
انا : معادية وكارهة يمكن لكن مش وخلاص
م : لما يشوفوا حاجة حلوة مش هيكتبوا
انا : لية لا لما شوفت مكتب حكومي بيشتغل كتبت
م : عاوزة تقولي اية
انا : معرفش بس الحكاية مش شكوي ولا غلاسة.. تعبير مجرد تعبير.. ناضج او لا برضة تعبير
م : الحكاية بقت موضة زي تشجيع البنات في كاس العالم و كلام البنات ف السياسة
انا : ودي كمان غلط ؟ لازم بس اللي يفهم ف السياسة والكورة يبقي بشنبات؟
م : بلاش موضوع حقوق المرأة دة
انا : مش حقوق مرأة ولا حاجة بس افهم اية المشكلة ف ان ولد يحب المطبخ وبنت تحب السياسة
م : أغلب اللي بيكتبوا في البلوجز صغيرين سنا بدرجة مخيفة
انا : يمكن لان متوسط أعمار مستخدمي الانترنت اساسا صغير بس مش قاعدة
م : موضوع البلوجز انتشر اوي واكيد مش هيعدي علي خير
انا : ازاي يعني اللي بيقول كلمة مسئول عنها يا اما يسكت
مجرد كلام بيني وبين م ... بلا تعليق
Thursday, July 27, 2006,2:38 PM
فيش وتشبية
مشهد 1 ، نهار داخلي .. بقالنا حوالي سنة بنشتغل في شركتنا من غير ورق بكلمة شرف يعني وبصراحة انا كان عاجبني الحال،، أما تجيلي الحالة آخد شنطتي واروّح.. فجأة قالولنا هتتعينوا ياولاد .. يعني اية ؟ يعني ورق حكومة .. صمت
مشهد 2 ، ليل داخلي .. بابا فين مكتب العمل هة ؟ معرفش يا بنتي ، بابا انا تبع اي قسم بوليس هه ؟ معرفش مكتوب تقريبا علي البطاقة.. بابا شهادة الميلاد دي بتاخد وقت هه ؟ معرفش انا مولود من زمان.. بابا انت جاي معايا طبعا صح؟ اة طبعا يا ساسو عييييب
مشهد 3، ليل داخلي .. الساعة بقت 4 الصبح ونا مش عارفة اتخمد قضيت ليلة ذبيانية اسود من كل ليالي النابغة الذبياني مجتمعة مع ان
" العاديات لم يفرشن لي هراسا بة يعلي فراشي ويقشب "
لكن اقتربت من دة وقطتي تقريبا كانت بتتحول او عندها مبادئ صرع علشان كنت باسمع اصوات غريبة
مشهد 4 ، نهار خارجي .. انا من زمان و عندي طبع السنافر باصحي سعيدة مش عارفة لية تقريبا من 8 لحد 11 بافضل مبتسمة ومتفائلة لحد ما أقرر أراعي مشاعر الشعب الحزين علي روح المرحوم واكشر انا كمان .. طبعا بابا باعني ونام وانا بعت صحابي وقلت مصيبة وتعدي انا هانزل لوحدي
لبست البلوزة الروز الشهيرة - اللي ف البروفيل دي - احب اقوللكم اني حضرت بيها 3 مقابلات شغل وكل مشاوير
الحكومة السنة دي وتوجهت الي القسم وفي دماغي كل صور الروتين في افلام التمانينات المتشائمة اياها وفوت علينا بكرة يا سيد وقلت اكيد مش هنخلص وهتفوق علي النابغة هو قضي ليالي ونا هاطبّق ليل ونهار.. ما علينا منا لابسة الروز ومستعدة
ابتديناها بالقسم اللي لقيتة صدفة وعملت فيش وتشبية مرتين - الناس بقت وحشة قوي - كل شوية حد يسألني لية فيش لية هه ؟ المهم الناس متعاونة واللة وبتساعدني والاحلي ان عمو بتاع البصمات عاوز 5 جنية ،، شاورلي اخرج برة وقفت كاني تمثال وعبيطة ومصابة بعتة مؤقت لحد ما زهق أو نسي او قال يلا مجتش عليها ودخلني تاني واداني الورقة - بيسموها كعب - استلم بيها .. بعدها رحت القسم نفسة - مش السجل - طلع مافيهوش كمبيوتر رحت قسم تاني وبعدين مكتب العمل طلع مقفول مع ان الاجازة السبت مش الخميس ما علينا .. الخلاصة نص مصر وصفتلي او عدتني الشارع او ودوني بنفسهم والنص التاني كان بيعرض خدماتة وتعديلاتة علي الخطة
أختكم سايبة كل دة وبفكر في حاجة سنافرية - نسبة الي السنافر - للغاية الناس متعاونة الجمهور والموظفين والاحلي انهم لما بيشوفوني مش هتجرأ وأقول بيبتسموا بس علي الأقل مش بيخوفوني ويرفعوا حواجبهم زي زمان انا خلصت حاجتين في ساعة واحدة وقدامي حاجات تانية مش دة المهم بس الموضوع مش زي ماكنا فاكرين يا ولاد في حاجة.. في تغيير .. انا فرحانة بيهم قوي في ناس بتضحك تسعة الصبح مش انا بس اللي سنافر
فليحيا السنافر وبجد بجد انا متفائلة مادام مكاتب الحكومة بتشتغل يبقي هنبقي كويسين .. إمتي مش عارفة بس هنبقي كويسين ،، ســتــار
Monday, July 24, 2006,3:34 PM
My dear friend
well it's not an ordinary post it's just a thank you post for him , the best mgm ..
now i got my computer fixed thanks to him and i can post again after 4 long days from snitching minutes from work to give a comment or ask a friend to log with my account to do something for me.
I've always had my male friends since school and we all know that rule in college you can gain from male friends more than girls but i never considered him one of colleagues he wasn't in my university anyway but even in msn friends i put him in separated group named " mgm & encarta "
Often i don't discuss books or European films as my friends whom dropped by my house and saw my papers, my books and my tapes already think i'm a psycho but luckily i can do so with him as he has exactly same taste. that we're talking about cartoons with the same passion while talking in political issues.
So he offered to see my computer ohh i forgot to tell you he's a computer ingineer, i know nothing about hardware but he obviously knows what he was doing, as i'm still sick he had another generous offer to come home to see it himself ! he picked me from downtown and drove me home and the comic started.
As i know he blushes rapidly i decided to banter him cruelly, i got shushed completely and watched him wickedly trying to focus in what he was doing while dad swarming around my room
I left him home once while buying something - he was alone in the room and my cat was staring to him - when back i rang that silly bill but nobody answered rang agian while knocking to let him know that's me , it was so weird when he opened the door for me i hold my sarcastic comments forcibly then we need something i don't know it's name so went together to get it ,, it was another comic i forgot where the store is, we turned twice searching then after we went to the farthest store they told us to get it from the closest one, we bought that thing then he panicked they might took his car but it was safe, when back he went on dismounteing that poor computer into tiny pieces till i thought it will never gather again.
But like i said before he knew what he was doing now my set is downloading it's updates and it's time to say goodbye & thanks , 10 minutes later i called him to check whether he know the way back , after like 1 hour he called back he can't find his 2 hard disks!!!! he left his car open or something and now let's see the whole situation
- he came all that way to do me that favour
- drove long way to come and buy things then back home
- my computer is an excavation & should be put in a museum " which is bad "
- now he has no hard for his own computer " which is horribly bad "
- there were a clip in his hard for the digital movie they making " which uncomparably bad "
Now i only have my thank you words which is nothing sure, but i don't know if there were something else to let you know how much you mean to me for the past three years and now.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006,5:20 PM
You are an inspiration
It is said that we all influence at least 250 people in our lifetime. So each of us has the responsibility of leadership. And i say if you would realize what an influence you have, you would be filled with a mixture of feer and pride.. i mean how many times you found yourself in that scary situation a little kid is patterns after you , you find youself wondering am i meriting to be followed by a little child and what kind of influence i'll leave in his immaculate fresh soul
I thought i can get rid of this whole situation by acting like a little girl every time i meet my cousins , i feel panic when realize that day by day they look more like me.. same sarcastic comments same swift moves even the outer look for girls luckily not boys too !!
But in the last family gathering i anxiously realized that whether you know it or not, believe it or not, you're an influencer. Your opinions are listened to and acted upon. well that was scary enough to me i've tried to avoid weird actions and bizarre thoughts towards them and the worse was that i had to watch TV ,, well you say it's not that sad ? i had to eat my meals while sitting and had a nonstop chating for like a whole hour till my mouth got rigored
I have to admit that it felt amazing while watching my naive thoughts turning into the public openion here. They say that leadership is simply the ability to turn a dream into reality with and through the cooperation of other people. So i tried to calculate my suspended dreams it must be a million it started with thatAlbert Schweitzerthing and continued with me till present moment,, I have a dream by this moment of driving those kids home before they converted into zombies
Well we found a goal finally as a team or as a family, meet regularly we noticed that i had such an amazing influence at them in Don't watch TV more than 1/2 hour averting idiot transformance slogan
They told me exactly the words i was fear to hear from them " can we borrow some of your books saso ?"
Here i'm going to tell you my darkest side inside,, i can give all my money or time or whatever but to see one of my book's jackets pleating in a childs hands is completely unbearable
So i've been there in that situation of we won't take a no for an answer i had a conflict between sentiment and duty like in Greek tragedies but the only choice i had was that, i said farewell to my books , for sure as i know i'll never see those books again at least not in one piece , in a piece of paper i wrote down titles of my babies to reget them i was irritated but acting like a cool cousin who don't mind losing her baby books as i call them.
Before falling asleep i had a little chat with me, i oddly realized that i'm not angry or sad i'm kind of proud that my little cousins want to be just like me.
Scared but proud that was my feeling when i felt asleep .
Saturday, July 15, 2006,1:10 AM
i get angry when get sick !!
Thanks god i've been always in a good health but recently i had an ear infection or whatever they call it - i hate doctors, hate their expressions, hate the smell of medicines- so i went to the doctor's clinic felling a completely unreasonable hatred towards him even before seeing him.
How could i stay in bed, i hate sleeping more than i really need and the worse was that order DON'T READ !! what can i do then i'm not a TV watcher and can't bear sounds as my ear's thing it buzzes like a radio station so no music around what else i can do. i thanked god for being that healthy all the past 24 years and decided to make that vacation a good memory
Finally i had the chance to meet me, as i took a vacation - i may got fired from work but i'll know about that later- a whole 3 weeks at home connected me with the little girl i thought i lost it .. i used to feel panic when get sick and feel angry from me like how can i get sick !! it's so childish i know but who said i'm an adult !!
It was always the same i go to the dentist although he is a nice person but i treat him like an enemy and never ever laugh on his jokes or smile to him even if i saw him by chance anywhere. i was really different in the first week they all noticed but acted like they didn't even my cat started to avoid me that was when i met him..
A little cat - a street cat- who has a deep and here i mean deep injury plus the eternal hunger they suffering nowadays - that birdflu thing starving street cats they find nothing to eat - he was unbalanced like me feel dizzy like me but he was thankfull much more when i feed him it was a comic i messed up the carpet with milk i was really dizzy and he missed the plate and fell down twice trying to reach the milk standing on three legs only.. after like 1/2 hour he was clean, satiated and filled with satisfaction . God,, comparing him i'm so healthy and so fortunate at least no blood in here and i can have lunch whenever i want to. he felt asleep so did i, i lied down on the floor beside him for long when mam came she easily noticed that i look much better which prevented her from kicking him out . i can't keep him in as i already have a cat but he knows that he will be wellcome to eat anytime now he comes twice a day scratches my door, eat then looking up like thanks god and down to street again his wound has vanished .. as for me i'm not angry anymore. what's the harm of getting sick and stay at home while a radio station buzzes in my ear?
Now i'm still at home but i can type and read, and the most important i feel satisfied
Monday, July 10, 2006,2:01 PM
Learning to love what you see in mirror

Well the relationship between a woman and a mirror can be agitating, when you look in the mirror, what do you see?
The face in the mirror
Reflective glass can act as both a trusted friend and a deceptive enemy. many of us experience times when your reflection seems to mock your every move, and every curve, other times when you look in the mirror you filled with appreciation for having such a healthy body
Learning to see yourself
Have you ever tried to discover your true self, far beyond the reflection in the mirror, I'm not talking to girls only this moment guys too feel bad when don't like what they see but why don't you think about inner mirror how do you really look inside what did you do today was it good or bad it's time to feel your great power, beauty and freedom, but not without first knowing the darkness of a distorted perspective.
I believe we often become victims of our own lack of self-esteem. When we don’t love ourselves, those around us tend to lose respect for us, which in turn causes us to lose respect for ourselves in a downward spiraling cycle of self-hate.
How do you mend defaults in mirror?
Get aware that it is crucial to create a safe place while attempting to rediscover yourself, set protective boundaries for your fragile self-esteem, choose to isolate yourself from those who threatened your sense of self-worth and respect. re-invest in the important relationships in your life, you will recognize their integral role in helping you regain a healthy, whole lifestyle, your mind and soul.
Make priority to challenge the mind, and to carve out time for the soul to grow and in the middle of it all, remember it's not all about you
Loving yourself becomes self-centered and narcissistic when it stagnates within you. But a true, healthy love for your whole being results in a healthy love for the world around. It's a cycle, that feeds you and pours out to nurture those surrounding ,And that, I believe, is the essence of real beauty.
We need to recognize and appreciate our many dimensions, giving equal attention to our intellect, our spirit, and our physical well-being. We have permission to love ourselves. So next time you encounter your image in the mirror, consider what lies beyond that reflection, the potential for power, love and freedom.
Do you have a hard time accepting yourself?
Do you wonder where your sense of self-worth is supposed to come from? When asked to describe yourself do you reach for your job title? Do you define yourself by your relationships - lover, friend? Do you think of your successes, your failures, your dreams, your past? All of these are parts of who you are, but you are more than what you do, more than what you own, or where you live. You are a human and it's a bless.
Living with hope
if you are looking for peace, there is a way to balance your life. No one is perfect, or have a perfect life. But every one of us has the opportunity to experience the perfect feeling towards his reflection and I intended to seize the opportunity.
What about you
Thursday, July 06, 2006,1:24 AM
يخليك لينا ياااااااااااا
ماما مركزة اوي و هتدخل جوة السكرين وعينيها خلاص هتدمع مالك يا زوزتي؟
البنت حرام عليهم هيضيعوا مستقبلها المتوحشين .. انا افتكرت فيلم رعب ولا حاجة قعدت ، لقيت ناس بتتكلم قلت يمكن اعلانات قبل الفيلم .. ساعة ونص ناس بتدش ف كلام اقل ما يقال عنة انة من المريخ مش من كوكب الارض عن الحريات والقواعد التي يجب ان تتبع ايا كان مخالفها والمناخ الصحي وحرية الكتابة وحاجات عجيبة
المهم طلع الموضوع عن بنت مراهقة كتبت موضوع تعبير- في اولي ثانوي - عن التقدم ودور امريكا في اعاقتنا وقالت للريس احكم بكتاب اللة !!! بسيطة مانتوا عارفين العيال في السن دة بيبقوا سقاريط وعايشين الدور
المهم من غير ما اقول رأيي - اللي مابيعجبش حد غيري - سقراطة هانم هتسقط ف الامتحان وهيدخلوهت دور تاني والحوارات دي
وبعد ماسابوها تستوي علي الاخر وساقت عليهم قنوات الارض الفضائية والارضية والبحرية مفيش مانع .. طلع بابا نويل قصدي بابا " مباااااااااااااااااااااا " طلع بقرار رهيب واللة رهيب : - شوفوا الكلام
اكتبي يابنتي و ماتخافيش - من العصابة بتاعتي - قولي اللي انتي عاوزاة - وليكي عليا هاحطك ف سجن مكيف - وماتقلقيش من حد
طبعا البنت جالها تخلف وزهايمر مبكر ونسيت الموقف اللي كانت واخداة وبصمت بالعشرة انة غيرة مالناش وان بابا نويل وولدة نويل ورثونا كحق شرعي وصكوك الغفران لسة بتتوزع
وست سقراطة رفعت الراية وقعدت تقول ربنا يخليك لينا يا بابا مب.... قصدي نويل
Wednesday, July 05, 2006,3:47 PM
Suddenly Single
We all counts on another person to makes us happy or feeling secure I won't discuss whether it's right or wrong now I had that subject before - like a week ago - but the certain issue is that is the reason we sometimes find ourselves in a hideous baffle asking how can I handle my loneliness after getting alone ?
I'm gonna talk about divorce in these lines but I believe that whether it was a divorce or getting apart or even death we find ourselves feel betrayed from the other part, I mean you tried so hard to keep that relationship but when you wake up a morning and find that you're suddenly single. The pain of separation is almost more than you can bear. What compounds the hurt is the lack of tangible support from the people around you, I mean how can you move on without getting some support not just sympathy from the ones who are so close to you?
The loss of a marriage is like having a limb ripped off and no words to say to make your pain go away. I can only suggest ways to feel better don't take it as advises take it as tricks deal ?
Appreciate your self
You are a powerful person, maybe you don't feel it right now but you still a human and can get on your feet when you really want it break the circle you rotate and imprisoned your self into.
Take care of yourself
Before asking somebody else to take care of you do it by yourself it's not a blemish to spoil yourself a little candles and babble bath is not what I mean, I'm talking about a vacation in a sunny place to disperse your depression
Getting over is not that hard
Who said you can't get over this situation, and get your old you back? somewhere inside you know that it's a temporary case and old you is waiting somewhere inside to take back the control , once you communicate with her it's all gonna be fine
Don't panic
I mean you aren't going to die, you feel lonely, depressed fine but after 1 year from now will you be the same? No so why all that sadness it's a step and after you pass it you will be able to get your dreams, your happiness back
If you can't think of anyone in your friends suffering some loss whether unemployment, death, disease or divorce each home is full of suffering people. You are only one person ask god to show you how to release yourself. Get the sun back on your window. It's not the end of days at least not today
Live your day happily as you going to live it happy or sad you will, then it's your choice.
Saturday, July 01, 2006,5:33 PM
اةة كدة احنا ف مصر
لو فاكرين كنت كتبتلكم عن العادة بتاعة اتهام كل حادث ارهابي بان الفاعل مختل عقليا ... ساعتها كنت فعلا قلقانة لان المتهم في حادث بني مزار الطب الشرعي أثبت اهليتة ومسؤوليتة عن الحادث لقيت نفسي بسال مش احنا ف مصر برضة؟
الحمد للة رجعنا لمصر بالسلامة
التقرير بتاع المتهم في حادثة كنايس اسكندرية بيقول ان الولد طبعا - ودائما وابدا- عندة فصام عقلي مزمن و غير مسئول عن تصرفاتة وعندة هلاوس وضلالات وحاجات مسلية اوي
المهم ان انا كدة اتطمنت وحمد اللة علي السلامة وهاعتبر حالة متهم بني مزار حادث غير مسئول من طبيب الطب الشرعي واتمني مايتكررش
والحادث اللي جاي يبقي واحد مختل عقليا واللي بعدية واللي بعدية واللي بعدية ... كدة بقي احنا ف مصر
,5:31 PM
طقس صيفي مائل للحرارة
بقالي حوالي أسبوع اصحي من النوم افكر ... الا الجو دة يتلبسلة اية علشان ماموتش من الحر, ولا تجيلي حساسية, ولا
اتفحم من الشمس اللي بتطلع 9 الصبح فاكرة نفسها الساعة 12
قلت اية خليني متحضرة واقرا حالة الجو مع كاريير في جرنال الاهرام - حتي حالة الجو بقي ليها راعي رسمي - ما
علينا مش موضوعنا اشمعني دي يعني اللي مش هتتباع .. اةةة مبروك بنك اسكندرية اتباع وكل بنك ونتوا طيبين .. المهم من السبت للخميس ودرجة الحرارة 36
السبت حر موووووت 36
الاحد الجو ارحم 36
الاتنين مالهوش ملامح اساسا 36
لا واية طقس صيفي مائل للحرارة 36 ومائل ..أمال لو آيل للسقوط كان حصل لنا اية ؟؟
بسال واحد محترم كدة صاحب بابا مش عارفة بيشتغل اية كدة في تنشيط السياحة - الا هو لية الصيف معلق علي 36 يا اونكل ؟ لقيتة وشة احمّر كدة وقاللي اية الملاحظات العجيبة دي لا بيتغير .. يا عمو لا صدقني المهم بعد مازهق قاللي دي خطة !! انا قلت اية في مؤامرة يعني ولا اية خطة دي ؟؟؟
قاللي انهم بيحطوا درجة حرارة مش فظيعة اوي علشان السياح مايترعبوش ولما ييجوا بقي هما ونصيبهم !!! وبعدين يا
صفاء 36 دي في الظل .. تضيفي عليهم 6 درجات في الشمس تبقي 42 كدة السياح هيتطفشوا يا ماما
طيب ولية بتكتبوا مااااااائل للحرارة مادام كدة للسياح برضو؟
قاللي لا دي بقي علشان اغلب سكان البلد مش بيقروا غير طقس ممممم لطيف ممم ويقفلوا الجرنال . بنحاول نسعد المواطن ... اية فيها حاجة دي ؟
,5:28 PM
مذكرات أسبوع كروي
السبت: هششششششششش مش عاوز دوشة الماتش هيبدأ بطلوا كلام او احسن ادخلوا اوضتكوا اقعدوا فيها- حالة من
الصمت - حتي صباح الاحد صفاء هتخرجي؟ مش قادرة يا ولاد الشغل
الاحد: مش وقت ضيوف انا عاوز اشوف الماتش اتصلوا بيهم واتحججوا باي حاجة بسيطة - حالة من الملل- حتي صباح الاثنين
الاثنين: سكتي التليفون دة مش عارف اشوف الماتش هو لية الجرس عالي كدة اوف - حالة من الخنقة السوبر سايز- حتي صباح الثلاثاء صافي ماتيجي نخرج ؟ مش قادرة يا ماما الشغل
الثلاثاء: اتغلبنا عاجبكم كدة اتغلبنا مش عاوز اتعشي انا داخل انام- حالة من النكد - حتي صباح الاربعاء
الاربعاء : عارف ان في مشاوير وحاجات بس ماليش نفس هاجلها بقي مش مشكلة كلها كام يوم والوورلد كب يخلص - حالة من الركود - حتي صباح الخميس صفااااء مش يلا نخرج ؟ مش قادرة يا حلوين الشغل
الخميس : خروج اية بس وكلام فارغ اية ماحنا كل اسبوع بنخرج- واللة مابيحصل بس مش موضوعنا- لما يخلص الكاس ياولاد مش عاوز دوشة يعني هوا في اية برة اصلا بس متشغلوش الكاسيت اللة يخليكوا - حالة من الحزن علي روح المرحوم- حتي صباح الجمعة
الجمعة : بابا انا خارجة النهاردة الجمعة.. خروج اية يا عاقلة النهاردة ماتش الاهلي والزمالك والشوارع هتبقي صعب ماينفعش طبعا اقعدي في البيت واتفرجي ع الماتش معايا اية رايك ؟؟؟؟
,5:18 PM
مش احنا ف مصر برضة؟

جرت العادة من اكتر من مية سنة ان اي حادث ارهابي يحصل يكون
اولا: المتسبب فية قلة مندسة ولا علاقة لها باي تنظيم ولا فكر ديني او سياسي لو اللي عمل الحادث نفسة حلفلك ماتصدقوش انت هتكدب الداخلية.. عيب
ثانيا: يكون الحادث فردي - حتي لو في اماكن متسلسلة في نفس التوقيت- برضة فردي انت هتكدب الداخلية.. عيب
ثالثا: الواحد السوبر اللي عمل كل دة كمان يكون معتوة ومجنون - اسم الدلع مختل عقليا- حتي لو كان الولد دة تعرفة او حلفلك انة عاقل اوعي تصدقة انت هتكدب الداخلية .. عيب
الغريب بقي بجد ان المختل عقليا بتاع حادثة بني مزار بافتح الجرنال النهاردة الاقية اية بقي .... النيابة تحققت من سلامة قواة العقلية !!!! غريبة دي
من امتي؟
والدكتور وكيل النيابة هوا اللي كشف علية و شايف كدة؟
انا قلقانة يا ولاد القاعدة دي مانكسرتش من مذبحة الاقصر
هوا احنا مش في مصر برضة ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
,1:47 PM
What a girl want
People talk a lot about happiness in the future tense. Like when you find your friend or maybe yourself saying "If I could just find the right guy, I'd be so happy? " well it's so important to find the right guy but happiness is not a circumstance to wait for.
Happiness is being satisfied with who you are the way you are, where you are, and where you're going. It's not about anybody else but you. Your own happiness is one of the few things you have complete control over and while planting happiness can be hard work, but it's a work no one else can do for you.
Why are so many of us unhappy or dissatisfied? I can name like a million reason, but certainly part of it is because the people around have fed us lies and told us that we should be unhappy. We are told what we are supposed to want and when our circumstances fall short, we feel it. Of all the myths that keep us down, there are two that stand above the rest.
1- You Need a Significant Other to be Happy. This is possibly the biggest lie out there and arguably the one that most of us believe. I can't deny that if there's someone who thinks we're special, who wants to be with us that's a recipe for bliss? But why we suppose that it's all about others.
Don't get me wrong, a relationship with the right guy is a wonderful experience and it worth the effort to keep it warm. But if you're looking for a guy to fill an empty spot in your heart, you're asking for the impossible and will end up disappointed. Even if you got him it'll be unfair to anticipate from him to fulfill your demands 24/7 it's a full time job.
2 - If I Just got married everything gonna be perfect. It may not be the biggest myth out there, but there seems to be a general opinion floating around that marriage has to be the end all answer for everything. It is tragically untrue. Your husband or future husband is not a wizard with a magic wand who will make all the problems in your life vanish. Maybe wedding can be pretty distracting for a while I mean ceremony, buy stuffs and that swinging between extreme happiness and extreme terrify, but eventually you will get home from the honeymoon and reality will be waiting for you.
The truth is that no man, no matter how perfect or charming - or any other person not just a man - can make you happy all on his own. Happiness is individual sport, just you and you that's the game rules.
How you see yourself, the kinds of people you surround yourself with, the way you see your job and your place in society it's all will impact your happiness in a way that no man ever could. And this is great news. It means that you don't have to wait for anyone; you can start working towards being happier right now. May I give you some tips to make it easier for you.
First Step it's always the time to throw away your black eyeglasses If you're not happy with your life just look at the reasons why - and after getting this far through the article don't blame your love life thing - Why are you unhappy? Are you lonely? Disappointed? Feel rejected? Angry? Take a good long look at what you're really feeling. As you can't change what you don't acknowledge.
Before you get into a relationship you have to deal with the issues that are making you unhappy is. Think about it be a little selfish for awhile deal only with what you need. What you lack in intimacy, If you don't feel like you can face these things alone, head for a friend, A good friend who knows you well enough to encourage you and help you and to give you insight from an honest and loving perspective.
Like Yourself First, realize that the most important element to finding happiness is finding peace with yourself. If your opinion of yourself is healthy you are much better equipped to face whatever challenges the world throws at you. If you have low self-esteem the first thing you need to realize is that you can't keep looking to other people to validate your existence. get a place where you like yourself, by yourself.
Here's the golden rule respect yourself to get respect from others. But don't depend on their existence as like you must know that the only person you are guaranteed to spend the rest of your life with is you, so if you want to be happy believe first that you are not perfect and nobody ever can be perfect, or have a perfect life.
But we all have the opportunity to experience perfect grace through faith and satisfaction. Use it and try harder to find your happiness who knows maybe someday you can give a hand to somebody else that need help but that day try not to be harsh give him a hand first before giving him advices and remember the best advice you can give is that one you give while smiling .
Have a happy life people, it's not so hard