Monday, July 10, 2006,2:01 PM
Learning to love what you see in mirror

Well the relationship between a woman and a mirror can be agitating, when you look in the mirror, what do you see?

The face in the mirror
Reflective glass can act as both a trusted friend and a deceptive enemy. many of us experience times when your reflection seems to mock your every move, and every curve, other times when you look in the mirror you filled with appreciation for having such a healthy body

Learning to see yourself
Have you ever tried to discover your true self, far beyond the reflection in the mirror, I'm not talking to girls only this moment guys too feel bad when don't like what they see but why don't you think about inner mirror how do you really look inside what did you do today was it good or bad it's time to feel your great power, beauty and freedom, but not without first knowing the darkness of a distorted perspective.
I believe we often become victims of our own lack of self-esteem. When we don’t love ourselves, those around us tend to lose respect for us, which in turn causes us to lose respect for ourselves in a downward spiraling cycle of self-hate.

How do you mend defaults in mirror?
Get aware that it is crucial to create a safe place while attempting to rediscover yourself, set protective boundaries for your fragile self-esteem, choose to isolate yourself from those who threatened your sense of self-worth and respect. re-invest in the important relationships in your life, you will recognize their integral role in helping you regain a healthy, whole lifestyle, your mind and soul.
Make priority to challenge the mind, and to carve out time for the soul to grow and in the middle of it all, remember it's not all about you
Loving yourself becomes self-centered and narcissistic when it stagnates within you. But a true, healthy love for your whole being results in a healthy love for the world around. It's a cycle, that feeds you and pours out to nurture those surrounding ,And that, I believe, is the essence of real beauty.

We need to recognize and appreciate our many dimensions, giving equal attention to our intellect, our spirit, and our physical well-being. We have permission to love ourselves. So next time you encounter your image in the mirror, consider what lies beyond that reflection, the potential for power, love and freedom.

Do you have a hard time accepting yourself?
Do you wonder where your sense of self-worth is supposed to come from? When asked to describe yourself do you reach for your job title? Do you define yourself by your relationships - lover, friend? Do you think of your successes, your failures, your dreams, your past? All of these are parts of who you are, but you are more than what you do, more than what you own, or where you live. You are a human and it's a bless.
Living with hope

if you are looking for peace, there is a way to balance your life. No one is perfect, or have a perfect life. But every one of us has the opportunity to experience the perfect feeling towards his reflection and I intended to seize the opportunity.
What about you
Posted by saso | Permalink |


  • At 4:18 AM, Blogger Mamdouh Dorrah

    nice, amd impressive

  • At 3:30 PM, Blogger saso

    Glad you found it so.

  • At 4:01 PM, Blogger أحمد

    أنا عندى عادة من قائمة عاداتى الغرائبية و هي أنا مش بحاول ابص لوجهى في المراءة
    يعنى مثلا ممكن ابص على تسريحة شعر، على دقن و انا بحلقها على حباية .. يعنى اركز و انظر لتفاصيل او تفصيلة صغيرة فقط

    لكن يحدث أحيانا ان في انظرة تفلت منى و ابص لوجهى بشكل كلى في المراية او ابص لعينى ساعتها مش بعرف نفسي خالص و بحس ان فيه شخص تانى واقف امامى
    حاجة مسخرة
    و السلام عليكم و رحمته و بركاته

  • At 7:50 PM, Blogger saso

    بلاش انا بالذات اتكلم عن العادات الغرائبية زي ما سميتها ما علينا.. انا كمان باعمل كدة بابص علي اللي عاوزة ابص علية.. بس اوقات باقف في وسط الشارع لما اشوف ملامحي من زجاج عربية او محل معرفش لية بالقاة مختلف او جديد عليا

  • At 2:08 AM, Blogger Gbalawy

    كلمات وتعبيرات قويه وصوره عرض الموضوع جيده
    بالنسبه للمرايه
    او الصوره الفوتوغرافيه لان الاتنين شبيهين اوى وكمان الفديو
    بستغرب ان حد يقول الصوره دى وحشه رغم ان انا شايف الصوره هى الشخصيه المعترضه نفسها
    علشان كده انا هو انا لامرايه ولا صوره اقدر اعترض عليها لانها شىء جامد لايكذب
    لكن اتفق معاكى بالنسبه للمرايه الداخليه وهى دى فعلا الحكم على نفسنا

    بس سيبك انتى صورتك فعلا حلوه


  • At 11:00 AM, Blogger saso

    ميرسي علي أول سطر و علي آخر سطر
    وموافقاك ان المراية والصورة ماينفعش نقول وحشة لانها الحقيقة بس مش عافة لية نفس المرايا بتوريني نفس الناس بشكل متغير وبالذات انا

  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger Fantastic Logos

    بحب كل حاجة فيها تفاصيل وتكون متقنه جدا

  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger saso

    عندك حق التفاصيل في اي صورة او سطور هي اللي بتديلها قيمة او بتقلل منها

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  • At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

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