Saturday, July 15, 2006,1:10 AM
i get angry when get sick !!

god i've been always in a good health but recently i had an ear infection or whatever they call it - i hate doctors, hate their expressions, hate the smell of medicines- so i went to the doctor's clinic felling a completely unreasonable hatred towards him even before seeing him.

How could i stay in bed, i hate sleeping more than i really need and the worse was that order DON'T READ !! what can i do then i'm not a TV watcher and can't bear sounds as my ear's thing it buzzes like a radio station so no music around what else i can do. i thanked god for being that healthy all the past 24 years and decided to make that vacation a good memory

Finally i had the chance to meet me, as i took a vacation - i may got fired from work but i'll know about that later- a whole 3 weeks at home connected me with the little girl i thought i lost it .. i used to feel panic when get sick and feel angry from me like how can i get sick !! it's so childish i know but who said i'm an adult !!

It was always the same i go to the dentist although he is a nice person but i treat him like an enemy and never ever laugh on his jokes or smile to him even if i saw him by chance anywhere. i was really different in the first week they all noticed but acted like they didn't even my cat started to avoid me that was when i met him..

A little cat - a street cat- who has a deep and here i mean deep injury plus the eternal hunger they suffering nowadays - that birdflu thing starving street cats they find nothing to eat - he was unbalanced like me feel dizzy like me but he was thankfull much more when i feed him it was a comic i messed up the carpet with milk i was really dizzy and he missed the plate and fell down twice trying to reach the milk standing on three legs only.. after like 1/2 hour he was clean, satiated and filled with satisfaction . God,, comparing him i'm so healthy and so fortunate at least no blood in here and i can have lunch whenever i want to. he felt asleep so did i, i lied down on the floor beside him for long when mam came she easily noticed that i look much better which prevented her from kicking him out . i can't keep him in as i already have a cat but he knows that he will be wellcome to eat anytime now he comes twice a day scratches my door, eat then looking up like thanks god and down to street again his wound has vanished .. as for me i'm not angry anymore. what's the harm of getting sick and stay at home while a radio station buzzes in my ear?

Now i'm still at home but i can type and read, and the most important i feel satisfied

Posted by saso | Permalink |


  • At 12:25 AM, Blogger Gbalawy

    عارفه سئلت نفسى كتير انا مبرتحش عند الدكاتره ليه بس لما فكرت قلت علشان مبنشوفهمش الا لما نكون تعبانين
    يعنى عمرى ما افكر اروح للدكتور وانا كويس
    وطبعا ليهم ذكريات اليمه مع اى حاله وفاه لقدر الله
    اهم حاجه انك مرتاحه الحمد لله

    وربنا يكفينا شر الرقده


  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger saso

    انا مش باروحلهم اصلا بس المرة دي كنت إبداع بادخل في الحيطة وانا متهيألي اني هاوصل للكرسي علشان اقعد !!اللي بيزعلني اني عارفة ان الدكتور مالوش ذنب وبرضة بعاملة أسوأ معاملة

  • At 11:08 PM, Blogger Unknown

    One thing about doctors (i'm closely connected to the field) is that u totally like then or u totally dont like them :D...

    u see them as the cure or u see them as the injury, one of the rare black and whites among humanity.

    I know ur feelings about this boredom u have in the second paragraph, i usually dont watch TV (unless i have NOTHING else to do, meaning this is the really last option), cuz i usually search for any new book to read, or view blogs or something.

    This cat thing was really touching, I'm a child in myself too, ppl say i'm usually so natural and spntanuos and i guess this means that i'm still a child. I believe that being a child in this kind of world we are living in is a king of bliss, because simplicity of children sometimes really help solving many of the problems and complex situations we suffer daily.

    Next time dont mess with the carpet ;p

  • At 11:26 PM, Blogger Unknown

    btw, i LOVE your way of writing our thoughts, this division is really amazing and new (for me at least)

  • At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    for whome who want to support muhammed sharkawy,go to

  • At 11:28 PM, Blogger saso

    Totally don't like them is my preferable option..Glad to know that i'm not an alien & there's other people whose don't watch TV each single day
    as for da child inside i can feel it in your words,, keep it as i'm trying to keep mine
    that carpet thing i did again today but thnx god mam was out

  • At 11:34 PM, Blogger saso

    wow!! that was sooooo sweet
    you know wat? u forgot a "y" in our thoughts but i kinda like it as your thoughts - u know i've visited u be4 twice - is so much like me

  • At 1:09 AM, Blogger sherehan84

    سلامتك يا ساسو ..
    حاجه جميله إنك تستغلي الوقت اللي إنتي مريضه فيه لأن الوقت ده في الغالب بيبقى ضايع وممل
    وللعلم أنا كمان ماليش في التليفزيون عادي يعني ومش إحنا اللي غريبين الناس التانيه هي اللي غريبه خاصة الناس اللي بتتفرج عمال على بطال من غير هدف
    تحياتي ليكي يا ساسو وربنا يشفيكي يا رب

  • At 1:26 AM, Blogger saso

    ميرسي يا شيري جدا جدا جدا والحمد للة طلع في مننا كتير اللي بنعمل حاجات تانية غير التليفزيون المهم ميرسي علي الدعوة اوي اوي اوي

  • At 3:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    بتقولي عمرك ما رحتي لدكتور في العشرين سنه اللي فاتت؟
    يا بختك, انا عمري ما رحت لدكتور في العشرين سنه اللي فاتت, وبصراحه مش عايز اروح في العشرين سنه اللي جايين, اما في العشرين سنه الاخريين فبصراحه يعني الواحد - في الغالب يعني - لازم يضبط نفسه عليهم, وللا ايه؟
    حكمه العدد: "طظ في الدكاتره"

  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger saso

    هههه..اة تصور حطمت الرقم القياسي صح ,,24 سنة دكتور الاسنان بس اللي بروحلة ودة للاسباب المعروفة ... اي حاجة بتوجعك ممكن تنام وتنساها لكن الاسنان لو شاطر بقي تحاول تنام !! لو عليا ف اول عشرين زي اخر عشرين مالة النوم لحد مالوجع يروح؟

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger saso

    it's not that hard after a week max we get better whether doctor interposed himself into your life style your diet even sleeping hours or you just had rest

  • At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    هذه الصحبه اللذيذه ارجو ان تزور مدونه اخونا المسكين
    هذا الحب النادر الوجود هذه الايام يوشك ان يقتل نفسه هذا الرجل

  • At 12:11 PM, Blogger Fantastic Logos

    انا بحب البلوج دا موش عارف لية

  • At 12:28 PM, Blogger saso

    وانا بحبة بس عارفة لية !!!

  • At 6:47 PM, Blogger Unknown

    LOL about our, i read that psychologists say that every involuntry action has something to do with the unconsious part of the brain, maybe it is like that? :D

    what do u normally read ?

  • At 12:14 AM, Blogger saso

    yeah may be so
    about reading it just a variety in my profile i wrote i love million thing hate million thing, but Distofesky was and will always me my favourite
    that confusion he causes me to see things from other sight,, to search for da motives be4 solid morals.
    for this week Greek mythology is the mode!!

  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger Fantastic Logos

    طيب ليه بتحبي البلوج الجميل دا ؟

  • At 4:50 PM, Blogger saso

    علشان هنا انا بتكلم وباختار الوان وتفاصيل كلامي كاني بابني بيت علي طريقتي

  • At 9:30 PM, Blogger Fantastic Logos

    تصدقي انا كمان بحس الاحساس دا في البلوج عندي بحس ان ببنيه بنظام وبخلي شكله حلو وان كل حد يزورني فيه بكون سعيد جدا وبعتبرة انوا في بيتي ولو كان ينفع كنت جبتله حاجا يشربها عشان كرم الضيافه يعني :-)
    ربنا يخليلنا البلوج

  • At 11:38 AM, Blogger saso

    تصدق فكرة جديدة نحط كادو صغير زي تون موبايل او صورة علي البلوج
    كل سنة وانت طيب يا أحمد
    happy birthday

  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger Fantastic Logos

    وانت طيبة يا ساسو وانا معاكي في موضوع الكادو فكرة حلوه

  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger saso

    احمد ..احمد ..احمد
    بص في صفحة الكومينتس بتاعتك في بارت بيقول Enable comment moderation?
    دة السبب في اللخبطة اللي حاصلة اعتقد

  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Fantastic Logos

    شكرا يا ساسو ان شاء الله كدة تشتغل

  • At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

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