Wednesday, March 08, 2006,3:19 PM
Think positive
Follow your perception
Change your life
Aren't we all feels sometimes that life became infuriating? We find ourselves frequently stuck in a bad luck circle; hassled by your boss at the workplace at morning, chased by a kid outside the supermarket nagging you to buy a bag of lemons for two pounds in the middle of day, your car is broken & repairing costs is more than it's price, tormented by a merciless mosquito through a long night of sleeplessness. And the list goes on.
Presumably these are irrelevant problems compared to life's real challenges, but they are nonetheless, things we can dispense with. Yet, we just can't really escape from them. So, perhaps it is about time to start seeing them in a different way.
And this is where positive thinking steps in.
Positive thinking is the art of discernment, the science of attitudes; it is the skill of reinterpreting things for the better. It can make u smile when your kids get a bit too excited and start smearing chocolate all over your new sofa. Or even smiling when sees a stain you know well caused by the new puppy, or the taxi driver who smashed your car while not moving and you inside! Right here one can say positive thinkers are a bit loonies.
There's a highly suspicious about those who smirk in the middle of old Cairo traffic jam, which lasts for hours. But Conceivably I can persuade you of otherwise. Positive thinking is based on the assumption, an uncontroversial one I can say that thoughts are quite powerful phenomena. To tell the truth, they can have an undeniable effect on our bodies. The thought of a cheesy, odorous pizza well certainly get your saliva pumping when hungry. Likewise, a pleasant memory can often involuntarily spur a smile, the yearning for someone in the long winter nights may keep you warm.
Some would go further and say that our thoughts create our realities, that this world we see is a reflection of our minds, but I don't believe in the positive thinking philosophy for that extent. It is probably unlikely that if a chubby teenager wished she were a model, repeated" I'm getting slimmed. I'm getting slimmed" is not likely to create much change. So what is positive thinking about, then? In a nutshell, the basic principle is that our thoughts create our everyday feelings.
Feelings are not triggered by outside events. We don't have buttons labeled 'calmness', jealousy', 'rage', 'peace', waiting to be pressed by outside event or people. Rather, feelings are triggered by our perceptions, our interpretations, of these events and people. To clarify, it's not the taxi driver that nearly just hit you is the cause of your rage. The actual cause is your perception that what he did is completely unacceptable. Now, whilst we cannot easily change other people's behaviors, and whilst we cannot escape certain destined circumstances, we can auspiciously, change our perceptions of them. We can reinterpret their meaning for us. Do that and you will change your judges over them. To change your perception, is to change your judgement.
Let me illustrate this through a short story. One-day mammy was supposed to drive me home after a long day of lessons we fixed a date at 6, and till 7:30 she didn't show up, and mobile phones hasn't been born yet that I couldn't ask her the famous question that have been invented by mobiles; where are you exactly now? At six thirty I started clenching on my teeth, six forty grumbling offended, at seven my brain was burning, couldn't she come on time after my long day at school, the weather was really cold, but that moment I found out that I can convert my rage into a positive energy. I started reviewing my whole day, brawled a little kitten has been staring on my face for so long, I stared on his face then he went away! And when finally our little car shows up, I meanly watched mam's face while apologizing, opening car door, picking my bag in the same moment, and I said nothing but "it's alright" That day taught me to be someone, who can accept such a behave like that without yelling and tears. And this is the essence of positive thinking: to change your view of a negative situation and transform it into an opportunity to become a better and more patient person. This, of course, is easier said than done.
And it is all too easy to get lost in the moment and forget all of this. Therefore, the whole thing is depending on your will, and how difficult of the thing you're facing. So could you forgive someone and don't blame him from the moment you see him, give him a break he may apologize or make his point clear, that nobody does a mistake and he knows it's a mistake. REMARK; since that day my mam never come late besides, a little present on my billow next day. Always imagine if the attitude that made u angry was yours, and the other guy yelled on you as you just did, would u accept that? Just a question! Ask yourself before getting angry.
Finally, life is too short a half for studying, and the other half for finding out that what u learnt is not beneficial at all, so don't waste one day in rage, and another to take revenge from someone, otherwise you won't have enough days to live. Just learn from mistakes made by the others. So you don't repeat it or you may become a victim in a negative guy's rage.
Posted by saso | Permalink |


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