Tuesday, March 07, 2006,12:46 PM
Get on with your partner !
The main enigma between men and women was and will always be that the man works to gain, while the woman seeks for appreciation. He is looking for being the best while she is looking for being the most beloved. Woman can be so independent and so successful but still in need for her man. Man can be so reticent but still in need for minutes of disclosure.

Conducting differences and conflicts is one of the most difficult challenges we face with our partners. Discussions can quickly turn into arguments and in a second into combats. The two of them all of a sudden have one thing on their mind, Hurt each other! How? Many many tools like complaints, Blame, accusations, demands and doubts. All of these concrete words hurts the others heart, and leave a scar! There is no shame in agreeing to disagree!!! There doesn't have to be a winner and loser every time they have a discussion.

Men, I have an advice: every female is motivated and empowered when she feels dandled! Spoil her from time to time by:
-Surprising her with flowers;
-Calling, when you are going to be late.
-Paying more attention to her than others in public.
- Think about her feelings before expressing your admiration with other woman.
- Never forget the day you meet her or her eyes colour.

As for you girls, your man is motivated and empowered when he feels needed!
-Apologize when you are wrong.
-Ask for support but don't be demanded.
-Do not rectify him in every move he takes.
-Appreciate him.
-Do not give directions and unsolicited advice
One of the biggest differences between men and women is how they cope with stress: To feel better, Men retreat to their caves to solve problems alone. To feel better, women get together and openly talk about their problems.

So, EVE, when your man retreats to his cave, don't make him feel guilty. Support him during his time & don't disapprove of his need to withdraw. Don't try to help him solve his problem by offering solutions just listen if he wants you to listen or just leave him alone.

ADAM let her discharge her load before discuss it. She may cry or shout asking you to leave her alone but believe me she will be happy to know you are there for her.

Finally I have few words to be said trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, and encouragement, that is all we need to feel loved and to fall and stay in love!
Posted by saso | Permalink |


  • At 3:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    this a good recognition for the both of Adam & Eve ,
    i c that is what ever one(He/She) must know.

    i love this deposited & i like ur waay in writing.


  • At 3:11 PM, Blogger saso

    thnx alot Omar and glad u read the oldies,, the enigma is each relationship starts v v idealistic then the curve just glides down when both of them forget to say i'm here for you
    glad u liked my way

  • At 6:48 AM, Blogger Unknown

    The problem is each person don't understand the other's needs, the needs which you very nicely expressed. Let's practice it with our loved ones, and maybe female friends as well. :D

    tc :)

  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger saso

    exactly it's all about fulfilling whether only uor need or the other party needs

    let's try... u try
    i'll watch
    i've stopped seeing my male college friends since i've joined this silly work

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