Wednesday, March 08, 2006,1:02 PM
Ernesto Guevara.. Legend assassination
(14 June 1928- 9 October 1967)
I wish you had the adequate maturity, and the conscious sensitivity to any injustice perpetrated against the humanity in any place around the world. As these are in my opinion the best quality located in revolutionary
That was the last words of the well-known rebel Ernesto Givara in farewell his family before directing to Bolivia in his suicidal task. As if fate declined to abandon him, and let him see the dream of Cuban revolution fading. It chose him the conclusion that insphered him with a halo of romantic, and wrote the first lines in his legend.
Givara was born in the Argentinean metropolis Bionics Ayres on 14 June 1928 to an opulence family; he learnt facing death and resisting it in premature age in the picture of intensive asthma indisposition was attacking him once in a while, it compelled his family to depart to more arid region.
With the downfallen of monetary status of the family, it ends to them living in one of the indigent quarters where the misery and destitution Givara Sensed during his residence in this quarter was the seed, which based on his sensitivity to rebellion over the status & regime which caused all this injustice.
On March 1947 the family went back to Bionics Ayres as Givara joined college of medicine. By that time his personality features started to be cleared, as he became an enchanted young man with frivolous appearance & warm deep voice dominated by sarcastic tone & character with diminution inside between timidity & courage.
He decided on December 1951 to temporary abandon studying medicine & destined to a reconnaissance voyage to Latin American nations. The voyage engrossed 8 months it deepen his feeling of despotism & compulsion which these countries the American reign subaltern suffering from.
From here the hostility between him & the American imperialism as he used to name he & his struggle Fellow Castro started. And after he finalized his study on 1953 he continued departure on July and he chose Guatemala to settle in. there he sustained its young president who was trying to make some restorations however the CIA interposition corrupted his restorations & the popular revolution against the intervention resulted in the death of nine thousand person.
And since then Givara learnt the most important lesson in his life, which were the armed nations only can change its fate & he decided to have the armed resistance as a procedure for a better life.
Mexico was his next station; he went there in a company with struggler from Bero named Helda Jadieya whom he met in his stay in Guatemala & married to on August 1955 and begets his first baby girl. It was the most important curve in his life when he met the young Cuban rebel Fedeil Castro there, we can say that what happened between them was a harmony from the first sight between two men whom reached the top political ripeness, they didn't take so long to get adapted on one ideology which was “ stop the snivel and start the armed resistance “
The dream of Cuban revolution started, and the first failure attack occurs from 80 man remained only 10 including Castro, Raoul his brother and Givara. The beaten Evacuated to the country regions where they presently could acquire massive base of supporters, till that time Givara wasn't a fairy-tale yet, but he was just a legend under genesis during this he gained the surname ‘Chi' which is an Argentine surname means arm-fellow.
The dream of revolution has actualized, Castro & Givara entered the metropolis Havana on January 1959 triumphed, after overthrowing ditator Batiste's dominance and this is the period when he married his second wife Elida and beget 4 children. Then the revolution tripartite started to rebuild the country, Castro was the leader & the maestro, Rauol was the fortis domination of the rebellion to maintain the discipline and Givara the rebellion brainy and it's intellectual and the prime responsible for the socialistic rebellion steerage. Givara invested as the manufacture minister, then the manager of the national bank. And he inaugurated the direction of economical battle with the same truculence & resolution of the armed battles he waded into.
He put in his mind confronting the interposition of United States, he started aiming buffets after buffets to them, the decision of nationalizing the cane & tobacco fields came, decision met by reducing sugar imports in united states, then he decided to nationalize all nation's objects that states emphasized the economic siege & the island directed to incline to Moscow's hug gradually.
Givara was the rebellion's ambassador; he met most of world leaders in order to gain their backing, among them the Sovietan leader Necketa Krotshof whom he obtained from an arcane pledge to preserve the island if it exposed an external invasion, in 1965 he met the Algerian leader Ben Bela, and the Egyptian leader Gamal Abd Elnaser. And all the leaders & thinkers seek for meeting him during their visit to Cuba to meet him closely. John Baul Sartre & Simon De Bovoir who considered to be the most famous thinkers of their period considered him as the living incorporation of their perfect world which never existed outside their philosophical thoughts.
But Castro's extreme deviation to Bolshevik Soviet made him offensive to socialist nations. And this where the termination began, his dispute with Castro that made him moves to Congo after so to establish resistance army, but his task had failed an extreme failure, he reverted to Cuba for a short while then he decided to move to Bolivia in 1966 embodying his Cuban revolution dream there but unluckily Bolivia was the less prepared to rebellion among Latin America's nations by that time, and the Bolivian troops with the CIA sustain could arrest Givara after 11 months he spent in hell. The last words he uttered to the officer charged his execution on 9 October 1967 “ why you tremble like that, simply you'll kill just a man” but he was wrong, he didn't kill a man he created a legend, after one year his picture captured student's demonstrations which pervaded all over the world by that time, and Givara's legend started as he turned into a model symbol in our materialistic world, poor helper and a leader for all revolutionaries.
Posted by saso | Permalink |


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