Wednesday, March 08, 2006,3:04 PM
Do you Forgive and Forget or hold a grudge?.
Are you someone who reminds your friends or lovers about every little detail in your relationship that may bug you or bugged you at one time?
Sometimes it's best to let go of things from the past in order to hold on to a brighter future.
Here is a quiz to find out how harshly you might be. Maybe it's time to change your manners.

A friend and her boyfriend decide to get married after being together only 6 months. Instead of wishing them good luck, you begin to panic because you've been with your fiancée a year and not ready yet.

When your best friend gets mad at you for something you did, instead of saying sorry you remind her of all the old times she upset you even it was 10 years ago.

You tell your fiancée you need him but he just smiles and don't repeat the gesture; you therefore decide not to talk to him for a week, that'll show him!

You are completely envious when your man busy your little sisters that new outfit and their outing together. Next time you go shopping with your mom you casually remind her about her buying your sisters outfit with a hope that she will get you one too.

When you're out with your friends you'll never buy a round of drinks for anyone buy a record of drinks for anyone who owes you one. You know exactly who owes you. What even if its years ago.

You're in a party with your friends you notice which are of you is the queen of the party. If it's not you then your night is completely ruined.

One of your friends gets lovely present with a bouquet of flowers, you got jealous and it makes you think that your relationship just doesn't go live.

Your best friend has finally landed that job she dreamed about, instead of sharing in her moment you wonder if you'll get you dream job too!!

A friend calls you twice while you are watching your favorite TV show. In relation you decide to call her when you know she'll be watching favorite show.

Your fiancée gives you an amazing necklace for your birthday you can't help but wonder if he spent as much as you did for his gift on his birthday.

Your boss criticizes your week fine. If that's how it will be then why should you even be bothered to make an effort anymore.

If you ticked 8 or more:
It's almost a miracle you still have friends, you need to stop worrying so much about yourself and little things. Come on now light it up and drop lose.

If you have ticked 5-7
You're fair & well rounded individual. You just need to try not to let those little flare upset you, have from time to another to get the best out of you.

If you ticked 4 or less
You need to be able to stick up for yourself more. If something is bothering you then do something about it, right now you are letting people walk all over you, stop being a doormat.
Posted by saso | Permalink |


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